Mentee Application

Thank you for your trust to list your valuable training course in the Global CX Community!
After submitting the form below we will publish your listing as soon as possible – usually within a week or so. Of course, your 2-year listing period will only start with the day on which the listing goes live.

Step 1 of 2

Your Contact Information (not public, internal use only)

This information is for internal Customer Institute use only and will not be published.
alternatively (!), you can upload a CV below
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please note that you don't have to upload a CV if you provide a LinkedIn profile with CV information in it.

Your Professional Information (not public, internal use only)

e.g. Head of CX, VP Marketing, etc.

Your Mentee Information (not public, internal use only)

We'd love to know to best match you to a mentee!
We'd love to know to best match you to a mentee!

Your Mentoring Preferences (not public, internal use only)

Why are you interested in becoming a mentor?