Futurelab GmbH
Customer Experience Maturity Assessment (CXMA)
A result of 20 years’ experience in the field, the CXMA helps companies to assess the current level of their CX and provides the Next Best Step to level up. The CXMA is a toolbox with several modules, so it can be up- and down-scaled as needed.
The tools include:
– A self-assessment questionnaire; its 25 questions carefully worded to create new insight for the participants. To be filled in by front-line as well as management and leadership of the company.
– 10-15 semistructured interviews with stakeholders
– A CX Audit which uncovers hard facts about the state of CX (ideally combined with an NPS survey)
– A Voice if the Customer Calibrate exercise, making sure that the customer feedback provides the right data for the other tools, and works at maximum ROI
– A structured workshop to align all stakeholders around the common CX goals